Sail Me A Story.

The Beginning Chapters...

How it all Began

This is a story that begins in 1979. It starts with a generous friend and his family and an invitation to Mark to come live aboard their sailboat Liahona.

Years of Dreaming

A long time ago in an ocean far, far away we dreamed and schemed and kept practicing.

It's Official

This is the anatomy of boat buying. Buying a boat is not for the faint of heart. It often includes a crazy plan that will cause your friends and family to doubt your sanity...

Latest Scuttlebutt

Beauty and the Bay

A few more pics from our visit to Bozukkale, because a bay this lovely shouldn't be upstaged by a broken castle...

A Mad Donkey and A Broken Castle

Along a very lonely stretch of Türkiye’s Carian Coast, we recently visited the crumbling enclosure of Bozukkale’s ancient citadel.   As we sailed in and set our anchors in its “quiet tranquil bay,” a...

The Great Sunglass Scandal

A pernicious case of missing sunglasses has been partially solved over here on Bedouin.    You’d think you couldn’t lose anything when your house is a tiny boat. But things seem to go missing at a...



Are we crazy? Or just adventurous? Check out our Crew Bio Page and come meet Bedouin’s Captain and First Mate…and their sometimes crew.


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on our Insta. 



Take a tour of our floating home

on our boat’s website for crew.