Dry Dock

We Splashed!

We have splashed!! It was an unbelievably EXCITING day!   We’ve got a few more things to do before we can venture off—so we made it as far as the marina docks.    Our standing rigging was replaced over the winter (the cables that hold the mast up) and it needs to be “tuned” once …

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She’s Got a Name

Stickers are officially on and our boat has a name.   We are Bedouin. We chose the name for several reasons. Bedouins are semi-nomadic people who took their homes with them when they travelled. They were known for many things, among them, their hospitality, loyalty to family, and pride of ancestry–three qualities we find admirable. …

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Sticker Day

Our paperwork is all in order, our boat has a new name, and we’ve got a launch time scheduled for tomorrow!   It was a little sad to scrape the last of the “Kiri Maia” stickers off the boat, as the old owners are the BEST people and we didn’t want to remove them completely—but …

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Bottom Job

A fresh coat of anti-fouling went on yesterday! Today’s job, we will attempt to apply our new boat stickers with as little cussing as possible. Check out the before and after. BEFORE AFTER