
Super Charged

We reached a huge milestone here on Bedouin yesterday—we celebrated our 40th day on anchor under our own power. This is quite the accomplishment, since last season the average number of days that we were able to go without checking into a marina so that we could charge our batteries and fill our water tanks …

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Splish Splash

And here we go… This is Lucas, master of engines. Over the winter he serviced both our engines and replaced the sail drive baffles. After the boat was launched, he came aboard and made sure everything was water tight and running great. And we appreciated his hard work.   When Lucas speaks, you swear it’s …

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A Fresh Bottom

Back on Aegina, it was time for the last bit of yard work to finish getting the boat ready to splash.    First up, was getting our bottom painted. Never underestimate the joy of having a fresh bottom. A spiffy new coat of anti-fouling and Bedouin looked ready for swimsuit season.    We also did …

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