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Beauty and the Bay

A few more pics from our visit to Bozukkale, because a bay this lovely shouldn't be upstaged by a broken castle...

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A Good Day for a Sail

A little buddy boating today with Kiri Maia 2...

Welcome To The Neighborhood

Meeting up with friends, our Bahce Koyu Neighborhood...

Sığacık in Bloom

Sığacık was in full bloom during our visit there, even the butterflies were out...

Haircut Hazards

Mark needed a haircut and found a barbershop here in Türkiye—and let me tell you—if you’re a man and have never had a Turkish haircut, you haven’t lived a full life. This needs to be on your bucket...

Mark’s Water Taxi Service

Our retired captain has found himself a little side-hustle—it doesn’t pay anything, but it highly amuses the rest of us.   Like he does most mornings, Mark hopped onto his paddle board and headed to...

How to Artichoke

The little town of Ildir, seems to be hemmed in by large swaths of artichoke fields. In town, we stumbled upon a little artichoke stand where a man was effortlessly spinning whole artichokes into...

Soaking up Ildir

We spent the afternoon checking out Ildir until the wind kicked up and we decided it was probably a good idea to head back to our boats. By the time we reached our dingy the swells had kicked up and...

Ruined Ruins

Mark tries to paddle board to shore every morning for a jog—he’s been consistently running for about 15 years, and only the wildest of wind or waves will stop him from paddling to shore and going for...

Bus Bingo

We anchored in a bay in Ildir, full of local fishing boats, and decided it was time to head to shore and find a grocery store and a cell phone company where we could get some SIM cards for Türkiye.   ...