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A few more pics from our visit to Bozukkale, because a bay this lovely shouldn't be upstaged by a broken castle...
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I've been hating on my snorkel lately. The thing leaks and is so uncooperative. I've had it for years and up until now, it's been a champ but our relationship of late isn't in a good place. My mask is...
A shoutout to our new friends on svPaloma. They posted their visit to this waterfall earlier in the season and so we made a point to hunt it down and check it out after transiting the Lefkas canal and...
Mark saw these ginormous fenders at the chandlery today and fell instantly in love. Let’s just say it got a tad windy the other day and this may have been what sparked the romance. Last week we had...
Our first transit through a canal is in the books. This was a little warm-up for the big one. We’re headed our way to the impressive Corinth Canal to take the shortcut over to the Aegean. The...
We’re headed to the Corinth Canal via the Lefkas Canal, but first we had to stop in our favorite town Preveza. This is the town where Mark and I first saw our boat and where we met Tina at her...
Our first stop in Greece—the Corfu Airport where we turned a Greek Tragedy into a success story! Earlier this year, our friend Kris threaded a gauntlet of planes, buses, and cabs and came out...
Our first overnight passage without crew aboard is in the books. It was a beautiful gentle sail back to Greek waters. 26 hours with just the two of us taking turns on watch. There is nothing like...