Food Finds

Recipe Roulette

When you’re sailing, provisioning is always an adventure.   In Greece, it’s a high intensity activity since most labels are beyond even the comprehension of Google Translate. It’s a gamble every time you buy food that whatever you put in your cart is actually what you thought it was supposed to be.   I’ve bought …

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A Little More Birthday

It was an AWESOME day, spending it with some of our kids and sharing our dreams with them. It’s great to have them around and we’re trying to soak it all in. Definitely a perfect birthday.    …and yes, I really need a haircut.  

Chloe’s Super-Sized Serbia

Our bosun Chloe has a highly tuned American palate. Her radar spotted this rather posh looking McDonalds as we drove out of town and decided we needed some fries and a coke. A perfectly American road snack for our trip east to the Medevil Golubac Fortress.