Our Own Private Rick Steves

Who needs Rick Steves when we’ve got our niece Danielle? 


Before heading back to the boat, we started making plans for our road trip into the heart of Türkiye. Normally this is a fastidious affair of tedious googling and planning. But just as we were doing our research my niece Danielle and her family set out on the very same road trip we had just started planning with our friends Karen and Marcel. Danielle’s itinerary looked almost identical, so I quit my research, closed my computer, and told her to send me her detailed notes when she got back home. 


My niece and I share the same DNA and it seems we can’t help our overzealous research about history and planning how to tackle the places that will magically unfold history before our eyes. 


So this time, after seeing she had already mapped out a route complete with places to stay and guides to see it all, I shunned my genetic instincts and relaxed. We decided to steal her trip notes! 


Danielle lives in Italy and does a lot of travel with her husband and kids—so she knows her stuff. She kicks Rick Steves butt when it comes to details on where to stay and what to do. So from now on, we’re just gonna save ourselves the trouble, shirk off my DNA, and send her inquires on places we intend to go. Our shared wanderlust comes in handy, between the two of us, we’ve probably racked up a 100 countries so we’re sure to have plenty of notes we can steal from her.


Thanks Danielle! We’ll be calling on you again soon ❤️ The world is ours to share.

This was our visit last year with my niece and her awesome family

in their hometown in Italy. 

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