We Splashed!

We have splashed!! It was an unbelievably EXCITING day!


We’ve got a few more things to do before we can venture off—so we made it as far as the marina docks. 


Our standing rigging was replaced over the winter (the cables that hold the mast up) and it needs to be “tuned” once she’s in the water.  And our water maker is getting a new motor and we’re waiting to take delivery and get it reinstalled on Tuesday. 


But we are HAPPY to be in the water!

This is Mark stepping on to Bedouin for the first time as an owner of the boat just before they set it in the water.


We’re motoring it just across the marina, so our big first sale was about 20 meters away from where we put the boat in.


Even though we didn’t make it that far, it was a super exciting day! 


Just a few more to-do’s on our list so we can finally take off for good.

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