It’s Roadtrip Time

It’s Roadtrip time. We’re Athens bound and packed into our tiny car which barely fits Connor’s suitcase and me in the back. 


We bought a coin purse just to keep up with all the toll roads around here. And yes, that’s a 13,50€ toll for a bridge ahead. We’ll spend about 40€ passing through all the booths just to get to Greece’s capital. 


Our first stop is to get a look at the most expensive canal boats pay to transit. The Corinth Canal is about 4 miles long and only about 70 feet wide. Its wall are an intimidating 170 feet high. 


Unfortunately a part of the wall collapsed into the canal, you can see rocks in one of the photos blocking the lane. We’re hoping they get it clear since motoring through it is on our sailing bucket list. 


Next stop, a covid test for Connor in preparation for his flight home in two days, then we’ll show him around the ancient city tomorrow. Here’s hoping his test is less painful than all these highway tolls and he gets the all clear unlike the blocked canal!


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