To Med or Not to Med

Here’s a little sailing 101 for ya…scroll through the pictorlal lesson below. 


This is Med Mooring. You may think the first photo looks like a glamorous vacation shot, I assure you it is not. 


Out here in the Med, there will come a time when you need to “park” your boat along “the wall”. To do that you must, as the later photos show, back your boat into the tiniest sliver of a spot to sardine yourself between the boats, often in a place you’ll barely fit. 


This is the kind of sweaty palms and cuss word producing maneuvers that other sailors tell us we’ll get used to out here. I’ve seen three couples yell at each other whilst doing this. 


Med Mooring is never done quietly. All your boat neighbors come out to stare at you, the people on the quay are watching while sipping drinks at the tavernas, and there are always plenty of quay-say-ers, like ones I couldn’t help take pictures of, shouting about how you’re doing it wrong. And even if there’s plenty of room to one side, you’re supposed to squeeze in and make room for a million other boats. 


As we close things up for the winter and head home soon, we’re glad we didn’t have to Med Moor just yet. That’ll be NEXT season. So stay tuned, there’ll certainly be a story to sail on that pending disaster—I mean technical feat.

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