He Sews Down by the Seashore

Yep he sews. But he’s quick to tell you he only sews “Man Stuff”. 


We’re glad though. Because he stripped down his Sailrite machine to 50lbs. so it would fit and make weight in one of the two check-in bags he was allotted. 


Today, he’s sewing down by the seashore, some manly straps for the dingy.


Our daughter Chloe (in the main photo) is holding up the Flat Stanley our grandson Collin sent us. Collin figured that Stanley would enjoy crewing on Bedouin and hanging out in Greece so he mailed him to us.


So far Stanley hasn’t really helped Chloe very much with deck duties but he doesn’t really eat much so there is that going for him.


She’s taking lots of photos of him during his little Greek holiday and we’ll be sending him back just in time for Collin’s class presentation.

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