She’s Here-Her Bags Are There

We’re so stoked to have Kris finally here. It took her four flights to reach us in Corfu but she made it!  That’s the exciting part. The real travel story is that her bags didn’t. But if there’s ever a place to be without your suitcase of clothes, it’s warm sunny Corfu. So we think she’ll be just fine! SO happy she’s here! 


And we can always wait it out for the boat parts and stuff from the states this poor girl lugged over for us like a pack mule. Mule-ing is an important job visitors on Bedouin get branded with. Kris is bringing our favorite brownies, a replacement pair of flip flops that blew off the dock, and a king size pillow we can’t find anywhere in Greece. Plus a hundred other miscellaneous items we will have to wrack our brain to remember on the impending airline paperwork.


But that won’t stop us from having a blast with her while she’s here. And, let it be noted that Mark’s getting good at competing with all the sign holders down at the airport. This is our second guest pick-up and we’ve learned that the pick-up is an important skill set to have. You gotta position yourself in the throng of greeters and make sure you’re seen.


We’re gonna show Kris a good time for a day or two and then we think she will be ready to leave after she sees her list of impending deckhand duties. We’re about to put her on watch at 3am for an overnight passage. That smile will be soooo gone! Sailing is real.


No rest for the travel weary!

Kris showed up and all we could do is stare at her from the pick-up zone. She had no bags with her and had to wait, so we just stared at each other.  The struggle was real.

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