
We took the ferry from Corfu over to Albania and spent the day wandering around Butrint. This archeological site just outside Sarandë has a fascinating history. But the most peculiar thing we remember is learning the the curious name used to call natives or inhabitants from Corfu–“Corfiot.” The Corfiots were traders here in Butrint in its hayday and I like the sound of their name so I will try and see if I can use it as often as possible in speech and text just because it amuses me.


We also learned that visitors here are not like Oregonians. When it rains they scatter. We can’t imagine Corfiots running from a little rain, so perhaps we Oregonians have a little in common with Corfiots.  (There, I think i said it enough.)

Mark and Chloe entertaining us with an impromptu dance.

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