Beautiful Belgrade

We made it to Serbia’s capital city. Our Airbnb is in the center of town which makes for the perfect place to walk around and enjoy the city. We hired some scooters and a guide and set out to discover Belgrade.


This incredible city where Sava and Danube rivers converge, is one of the oldest cities in Europe that has been inhabited since the 6th century BC. And in that time it has shuttered from 115 wars and been rebuilt over 40 times. A bridge across the Saba river separates old and new Belgrade.

After our tour of  both the old and new Belgrades, we stopped for lunch and had Пљескавица–Pljeskavica which are like Serbia’s version of a burger. They’re quite good.


Then we went to visit Kalemegdan Fortress, which has been rebuilt dozens of times, having been attacked by armies of Goths, Avars, Huns, and Slavs. Today it is a museum, park, and sports complex.

On our walk home in the evening from the Kalemegdan Fortress, we stumbled up on the Bajrakili Mosque.


It’s history is interesting–according to Wikipedia:


The Bajrakli Mosque…located in Gospodar Jevremova Street in the neighbourhood of Dorćol….was built around 1575, and is the only mosque in the city out of the 273 that had existed during the time of the Ottoman Empire’s rule of Serbia.

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