On The Wall

In Argostoli we got to flex our Med Mooring muscles again and park against the wall. Med Mooring is not for the faint at heart when you’re a novice. Luckily this year we’ve done it a few times and we’re getting pretty good at it. Mark’s back-up skills are spot on, which is a miracle considering that on land, the three car mishaps he’s had have been when he put his car in reverse. Thankfully he’s better on the water than he is on terra firma in the reverse department.


It also helps that the wall was completely empty and we didn’t have to squeeze Bedouin in between two boats or weave our stern lines in and around other boat lines like a complicated macrame handicraft.


Over the summer Mark found an abandoned dock and decided it would be a good place to get the crew proficient in our line handling skills and forced us on a hot afternoon to practice and practice and practice backing the boat up to the dock and throwing lines and tying off to imaginary cleats. It felt like a rodeo practice roping cattle, but it got us all ship shape on line handling.


So here in Argostoli we are Med Moored, we’ve got our passerelle out and we’re city folk with a town view out the galley windows and cafes just a few steps off the boat. It’s pretty easy living though it feels weird to be so close to land.

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