Mauling Missionaries

On our way out of Vienna we spotted missionaries. Things usually get a bit awkward when this happens because I feel the need to hug them. I’ve been doing this for years and Mark has learned to accept my need to boost the moral of these good people by gently mauling them. 


Elder and Sister Anderson are from the US, and hugging them is like hugging home—so we were glad that once they got over the initial shock of having a car drive up onto the sidewalk (very common here) and Mark and I leaping from the vehicle to hug them, their stranger-danger fears quickly subsided and they hugged us right back. 


The two are here serving in the Czech/Slovak Mission. We happened upon them while they were on a little adventure while their their daughter and her family were visiting and on vacation in Vienna.  Their daughter Kristy kindly let us maul her parents and took this photo.


In other exciting “seen on the street” news…our car was stopped by Lipizzaners Stallions and their crosswalk guard. Who knew these posh horses came with their own crossing guard?! They were exciting to see but you’ll be happy to know we didn’t attempt to hug them.  We have to draw the awkward line somewhere. 


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