Packing Perfection

It’s Bedouin time! Thirty years in the making and we have finally tied up loose ends and we’re officially off!


We looked like an episode of “Hoarders” as we checked in all our bags for Greece. And even though all the people in line gave us that look like we were ridiculously overpacked for a vacation, no one realized that we’re actually moving our lives half a world away and I was feeling pretty proud of my packing skills.


We get four bags at 70lbs and two at 50lbs and I came in EXACTLY to the ounce! Plus Chloe got a few bags, which of course I commandeered for our stuff too.


We’ve got boat parts we had to source in the states and I even shoved an entire kitchen sink in Chloe’s suitcase! So the old Idiom, “everything but the kitchen sink”, well, I just proved you can pack it all. And in our particular case, the “ALL” includes American ziplock bags, my favorite tea, our dive gear, some foul weather gear, our beloved king-sized pillows and pillow cases because the European size doesn’t cut it, and all our electronics and chargers.


We might sink the boat, but at least will go down with a few luxury items…and perhaps use the new sink as a life raft.


The peculiar anatomy of a suitcase (or two)

…and welcome to diabetes. The ENTIRE bag of Chloe’s (purple arrow)  is dedicated to her pump supplies. The other (blue arrow) she had to share with my kitchen sink!

Hard-sided suitcases are never a welcome sight on board a sailboat–since there’s no room to store them–so they may go the way of Davy Jone’s Locker once we get there.

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