Motorized Mayhem

The day before we were finally sailing out of Preveza for the last time, Chloe and I decided to do some provisioning. We resolved to go to Μασούτης—the farthest grocery store out of town to get a good walk in. 


No sooner had we stepped ashore we were beguiled by a set of Hopp scooters.  This was unfortunate because anything with a throttle is like kryptonite to a Skillman. 


Which is why we never walked to the grocery store. Within seconds Chloe had the Hopp app open on my phone and all plans for a challenging walk were abandoned. 


When we got back to the boat we told Mark about our escapades and the thought of missing out on a little motorized mischief was all too much for him. 


So we hastily put the groceries away and took the dingy back to town.  The three of us spent the rest of the evening scootering our way through town visiting all our favorite places and people saying goodbyes to a town we’ve come to love. 


It was so good to be back on something motorized again—even if it was just a little electric scooter. They go pretty fast and there’s quite a bit of mayhem to be had dodging locals and throngs of mopeds on the narrow cobblestone alleys and streets. They don’t bat an eye since their used to dodging each other on mopeds.


When we stopped over to see my newly adopted Greek sister Tina at Taverna Mythos, she was shaking her head at our nefarious driving antics. She waved us over for hugs and then smiling said, “We don’t have a jail here in town but maybe we start one for you.” 

We took that as high praise. 


Janky Photo credit: some dude’s moped and my iPhone timer.

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