Stari Bar

Based on the awesome recommendations that our new friend Ovi gave us, we hired a driver and set out to see Stari Bar.   “Stari” is Slavic for “old one” and is a common name used to refer to the original town. We’re currently moored in Bar, the newer town named for the older one that’s now called Stari Bar. 


There’s less than two thousand people living in Stari Bar, but the oldest part of the town, that rises up Londša hill is empty of people but being mightily preserved. Every footstep here awakens your sense of time and history.

Our favorite part of this visitor sign were these lines:

“By solidarity of all Yugoslav people, by efforts of protection, services, and numerous architects there started a difficult and longstanding process of reconstruction and revitalization in 1985 that is a part of our civilization debt towards the past and the future generations.”

Then we headed to Skaddar Lake

We didn’t really see much of Skaddar Lake, just what you see in these photos. Later we would learn we missed an amazing experience–which would send us back here later in the season to see.

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