Thank Goodness for Church

We headed into the walls of Kotor to take Cheyenne and Clark to climb to to its fortress and take in the amazing views that overlook the bay. This time I stayed back on the boat since the wind was still blowing pretty good while Mark finally got to climb up the steep steps and show them the way to the top.


The entry arch at the start of the climb always seem to beckon travelers to climb the steps that wend their way up to the fortress, beguiling them with a hint of adventure. It’s not until mid-way up, somewhere under the blazing heat of the mid-day sun, that the romance fizzles and it just becomes a sweaty slog up some steps to a crumbling ruin.


Half-way up, the girls reached the church and decided they preferred to sit upon it’s steps and contemplate their decision to climb, while Mark and Clark continued on and likely sprinted to the top. Back on deck, I was keeping track of the four, , spying them with my binoculars and laughing about how quickly this band of climbers became just a duo that  made it to the top.


The guys were rewarded with an awesome view, and the girls were happy to settle for the church.

Earlier that morning, Mark had run up to the top on the back side trail that zig-zags its way to the top. Mark seems to have a habit of climbing things twice in a single day.

The crew headed back to the boat.

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