Meet Our Neighbors!

Meet our neighbors! It’s Karen and Marcel! They sold us our boat and upgraded to a beautiful new one. 


They sailed it here to Aegina from the factory in France and now we’re both here in the same boat yard getting ready to splash. 


Today they got their dingy ready to be hoisted up on their davits, then they put on their updated boat stickers. Mark and I decided the neighborly thing to do was to grab our folding chairs and our lunch and watch them work. 


Then they decided to put on their new boat stickers which is always a lot of fun to watch people deal with. Getting sticker bubbles out and putting those things on strait and level is a serious affair. So watching them toil over that madness was the perfect second act and we simply moved our chairs front and center and watched the spectacle.


A nice shady spot and some entertainment was just the break we needed. 


And Karen and Marcel’s new stickers look amazing!


Now time for us to get back to the jobs at hand. Our dingy is next. Too much to do but things are coming along!

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