To Crew or Not to Crew

Come to Greece they said. 


It’ll be fun they said. 


Not sure poor Kris knew that her trip out to see us included deck scrubbing and being assigned to the 2am-4pm night watch on our passage to Montenegro. 


But we have a shiny boat and two hours more sleep than we usually do during long night passages, so really, the Bedouin crew is getting a little R&R under the false pretenses of offering a friend a Greek holiday.


Montenegro here we come…and with a little more sleep since we have extra crew aboard.

Kris developed a unique way of cleaning bugs off our coach roof. It removes and cleans them all in one fell swoop. She’s handy to have around.

Kris got the 2-4am watch since her body clock is still on Pacific Coast time. At least that’s what we told her.

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