Kotor’s Little Labyrinth

We went to shore today to soak up the medieval town nestled at the end of the Bay of Kotor. The old town is flanked with fortification walls that long ago kept out invaders but now clamors with the influx of vacationers. High above the steep limestone cliffs a crumbling fortress has settled into the rock like an aging old man out of breath, content to watch over a town with life bustling below. It’s like walking into a time machine.


We plan to hike to the top of the fortress but it looks to be a formidable little hike up well worn stone stairs that switchback up the Cliffside. We decided to give that adventure a day all to its own. So today we wandered the labyrinth of narrow streets finding tucked away gems nestled inside the town wall.

Kotor’s beautiful backdrop. You can see the defensive walls climb the mountainside, leading up to the fortress. 

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