Weather and Walls

We’ve got a little weather coming in today. Some wind has kicked up and the limestone mountains that rise about the bay make for an excellent Bernoullis tube. The wind seems to make a swift transition down into the narrow lane and rushes with some pretty good force until it surfs over the ridge and scatters. So today, before the rains come, Chloe, Kris, and I trudged up the slippery worn steps to the fortress while Mark stayed on Bedouin keeping an eye on our anchorage.


Finding the trailhead involved mazing through the town in search of the steps leading to the climb. We stopped and asked for directions and finally found a beautiful archway leading to the stairs. As you trotted up the stairs and climbed higher and higher up the crumbling wall the view of the bay and its expanse unfurled before your eyes. The climb was steady and we took advantage of it’s shady s-turns to catch our breath. Mid-way up, we found a little church perched on a ridge, a thankful spot to stop and peer around before soldering on to the top.


The fortress isn’t as impressive in its crumbling state as the palatial view it offers of the town and fjord below. And the satisfaction of reaching the top without running out of breath is pretty stellar too.


With binoculars in hand, Mark kept an eye on our progress as he watched us from the windy sway on Bedouin’s deck.  Periodically we’d wave down to our captain and watch for sign of looming rain.


On the way down–a cautious slippery way down–we ran into a group of deaf friends heading up the hill. We were excited to see them and they seemed excited to communicate with Chloe and I about their trip so far to Montenegro. A little signers reunion of sorts. 


By the time we climbed down, the wind was blowing at a good clip. Mark came with the dingy and picked us up and then we prepared the boat for the coming rain.

The beautiful arched entry to the wall trail up to Kotor’s fortress.

Not very far up the stairs and the view is looking amazing already.

The church midway up the climb.

Only mid-way there, more stairs to the top.

Finally reaching the top!

The crumbling fortress walls overlooking Kotor.

Brave bosun Chloe trusting ancient building methods.

You can see how windy it is from how crazy the flag is blowing. Mark’s somewhere below on Bedouin making sure the boat’s anchor keeps holding.

Our new friends we met along the trail. 

Chloe was happy to find a water fountain back in town when we reached the bottom again. 

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