A Bunch of Oregonians Celebrating the 4th

Happy Birthday America. Sorry we couldn’t make it to your party. 


A huge shout out to our friend David back home in Oregon who got us this ginormous American Flag to fly on Bedouin. Nothing says America like a massive flag. 


Plus, we couldn’t let the Kiwi’s over on SV Kiri Maia be the only ones with a jumbo flag. 


Of course we fly that flag full time, so we decided to spruce things up to mark the holiday and make a celebratory red, white, and blue garland by re-purposing scraps of ribbon and white plastic bags—just to let our neighbors know America is having a birthday! 


Our oldest kids arrived so we went out tonight to celebrate both the Fourth and our Family by finding a burger place, and wouldn’t you know it, the family at the table next to us were also American…also living on a sailboat…also from OREGON! 


And so, here we all were, far from home, sailing our hearts out and all of us in search of a classic American burger and fries to celebrate our home country.


Happy Fourth of July! 

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