Look Who Showed Up!

After church today, our new friends the Flanders decided to sail “Lia” over to our anchorage today after church. On Sundays, they do a “Sunday Sail,” and try to invite new friends aboard and take them for a spin. This week they sailed to our anchorage and Matt and Gina invited us aboard for fun and food. 


Being apart of a “Flander’s Sunday Sail” was a faboulous way to spend the evening. Sharing an anchorage with them and all their friends was a highlight. 


Their daughter Ruby is a gifted and cheerful mixologist, making lemonade for everyone, while her brothers Owen and Emerson are shared their excitement over sailing and spent time with us figuring out what other boats we’ve all mutually met.  This family is full of collaborators who aim to make real connections with others.


We also met Adam and Stephanie who were from the states and joining the Flanders for a week or two on board. And of course their Sunday crew was made up of several people from the Split branch as well.


Most people think sailing is a solo venture, but the friends we continue to make out here astonish us. 


All you need to know about our new friends the Flanders can be summed up by looking at Matt & Gina and their three kids in the photo–this family is embracing life and everyone else in it!

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