Checking Out of Greece

We motored over to Chios where we officially checked out of Greece. It was time to lower our Greek flag and get ready to fly our Turkish and quarantine flags.


We’re gonna miss the friendly Greek people we’ve come to love, and how we’ve learned to read and speak some basic Greek and the way our tongues have found its way around this beautiful language.


When we first arrived here last season it was a big learning curve in language, culture, and especially navigating the grocery stores. But now it all feels soothingly lovely. The Greeks have a way of life that has enriched our own. 


In three months we’ll be back, and strange to think it will all look and feel a little familiar and like returning home. 


And now, we’re are sailing east, shifting again into the unfamiliar waters of a new language and culture.


Here we go…

Mark & Marcel headed to the port police and customs offices to check us out while Karen and I stayed and watched the boats.

Headed to Türkiye with Kiri Maia 2 just behind us…

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