The Welcoming Committee

As we crossed the channel between Greece and Türkiye, we were escorted ever so briefly by a welcoming committee. What a wonderful world we live in.

Checking in to Türkiye requires cruisers to hire an agent to help you process the paperwork.  Our agent was fantastic and walked us all down to the immigration building and got us checked in to Türkiye pretty fast. 


A shout out to Onur at Pianura Marine for getting us checked in and all set so fast. He was a pleasure to work with!


Below is the crews of Kiri Maia and Bedouin offically stamped back in and ready to explare the country for the next three months.

Our daughter Cheyenne will be happy to know that this was the first thing we saw when we made it through immigration and passed by the duty free shop.


Paprika Pringles!


These can’t be found anywhere in the US.  On her last visit to Bedouin, Chey brought home a dozen cans of this orange salty goodness and we hear she’s on her last can.


Sounds like she may need to come back for a visit.

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